cnc plasma eta sugar ebaketa makina / plasma mozteko makina prezioa / cnc plasma ebakitzailea

CNC Plasma Cutting Machine 1500x3000mm with HyPerformance HPR130XD

The advantage of our machine

1.cutting faster, more accurate control, the cutting surface is more smooth, no glitches, no black; cutting holes in high quality

2.Stability and reliability for light path system and control system

3.Humanizing design, convenient operation

4.High performance price ratio, low operating cost >High cutting efficiency and quality, no noisy. Small heat influence area, cutting seam smooth and no deformation, post treatment is not needed

5.The machine adopt Beijing START plasma control system, standard high sensitivity arc voltage device 6.High precision stepper motor and driver, ensure the efficiency and accuracy, increasing the stability and reliability greatly

Product description for plasma and flame cutting machine

Lan eremua 1300 * 2500mm
Working meterialSteel ,aluminum ,stainless steel
Plasmaren potentziaHuayuan(Hyperthern,Cutmaster optional)
Input current63A.100A.200A etc
Plasma cutting accuracy± 0.05mm
Errepikagarritasuna± 0.05mm
Ebaketa abiadura0-8mm/min
AginduaG kodea
Rail guideTaiwan HIWIN rail guide
Hozteko moduaWater pump
MarkoaWelded Structure

China 1325 1530 2030 cnc plasma and flame metal cutting machine
Gure Zerbitzuak


1.12 months guarantee of the whole cnc router machine
2.Gain piezak (kontsumigarriak kenduta) doakoak izango dira berme aldian arazorik izanez gero.
3.Ondoren mantentzea dohainik
4.Kontsumitu beharreko piezak agentziaren prezioan emango ditugu, ordezkoa behar duzunean
5. Makina entregatu aurretik doitu eta probatu da
6.Gure langileak zure enpresara bidali daitezke, beharrezkoa izanez gero instalatu edo doitzeko

Saldu osteko zerbitzua:
1. 24 hours Technical support by Email or Calling.
2. Ingelesezko eskuliburua eta CD bideoa makina erabili eta mantentzeko.
3. Hardware: 24 months for machine (without person damaged).

ohiko galderak

Q1: I need a fiber cutting machine, can you give me some suggestions?
Sure, please send us inquiry and tell us your processing materials,size and thickness, we will recommend you suitable model and laser power.

2.G .: Zer material mota prozesatu daiteke makina honetan?
Most of nonmetal and metal materials, such as wood,MDF,aluminum,acrylic, aluminum and so on.

3.G .: Fabrika edo merkataritza enpresa zara?
Fabrikatzailea gara eta 14 urte ditugu fabrikako eskarmentuak eta bisitatzen gaituzu.

Q4: How long is the delivery time for this Professional manufacturer for cnc wood engraving engraving cutting cnc furniture machine?

For standard machines, it would be 12-15 days; For non-standard machines and customized machines according to client s specific requirements, it would be 20 to 25 days.

5.G .: Nola ordaindu behar dut nire eskaera?
Hasieran% 30 aurreordainketa egin dezakezu eta gero ekoizpena egiten hasiko gara. Ekoizpena amaitu ondoren, bidalketa, orduan% 70eko saldo hori ordaindu dezakezu.


Egoera: Berria
Jatorrizko lekua: Anhui, Txina (Mainland)
Markaren izena: ACCURL
Voltage: 220V/380V, 380V50Hz
Potentzia nominala: 7,5kw
Dimension(L*W*H): 1200*2400mm
Pisua: 1000KG
Ziurtagiria: CE ISO
Warranty:1 Year, 1 Years
Saldu osteko zerbitzua: Atzerrian zerbitzuko makineria eskuragarri dauden ingeniariak
cnc plasma and flame cutting machine: cnc plasma and flame cutting machine
Ebaketa-materiala: Metala .aleazioa Metala .aluminioa
Kontrol sistema: START Kontrol sistema
Cooling system: Water pump or water chiller
Cutting speed: 0-8m/min
Plasma Power: 60A
Driver Motor: Stepper Motor
Cutting Thickness: 0.3-12mm

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