Features of the gantry cutting machine for palte and pipe :
The gantry CNC plasma and flame cutting machine for plate and pipecan cut metal plate and pipe in one machine ,it is characterized of high automation and efficiency,easy operation and long service time.
This CNC plasma and flame cutting machine is gantry structure with double-driven system, working size can be customized upon requirement.It can be used for cutting carbon steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metal in any 2 d graphics,this is widely used in metal cutting fields.
Advantage of gantry cutting machine :
1.Have own workshop
We produce the machine frame , torch movement, rail groove other small parts all by ourselves. That will be more reliable and cheap .While others are purchasing this and assembling .
For delivery time and quality can control by ourselves , with enough guarantee .
2.Machine structure
For gantry cutting machine , most important is machine frame ,it effect the using life and cutting precision .
All steel frame is 8mm thickness , the front apron is 20mm , they are disposable by large CNC milling machine . So that can make sure the working stable and cutting precision ,can extend its life .While others using rectangular pipe , will easily go deform .
3.Hollow design
It can take away the heat when cutting ,also can decrease the power from different directions . Adopt this design can increase the intensity , to avoid deform, extend its life.
4.Bilateral rack and pinion transmission without engagement gap
This can make the machine running smoothly when the ground base deformed. It had experienced by our customers and feedback good .we use steel wire rope,it is hard broken and easy to buy in your local, while others use slider,it is easily go broken , only to buy from manufactures ,delay production
5.The torch movement is equipped with eccentric wheel
Tthis configuration with low failure rate,easy to detect. Can realize the user's own adjustment if the mobile body tilt after the long time use.
Machine parameter of gantry cutting machine for plate and pipe
Cutting Area | (2500- 7500mm) by (4000mm-20000mm) or customized |
Hodiaren Diametroa | 50-600mm ,length 5m/10m/15m |
Input Power | 220 ± 10%V AC 50Hz /60 Hz For Servo Motors: 750 W |
Cutting Modes | Plasma Cutting / Flame Cutting / Plasma Cutting+ Flame Cutting |
Transmission Style | Rack & Gear |
Drive Style | Servo Motors Double Sides Drive Step Motors Double Sides Drive |
Torch Lift Distance | 200 MM |
Torch & Number | One Plasma Torch / One Flame Torch / One Plasma Torch + One Flame Torch Two Flame Torches/One Plasma Torch+One Flame Torch |
Plasma Cutting Thickness | Depend On Plasma source |
Flame Cutting Thickness | Piercing Cutting: 5-80 mm Edge Start: 5-150 mm |
Torch height control | Plasma Automatic Torch Height Control / Flame Capacitance Torch Height Control |
Abiadura ebaketa | For Servo Motors: 0-10000 mm / min For Step Motors: 0-4000 mm / min |
Ebaketa Mahaia | (We can supply drawing of the cutting table with the machine for free.) |
Posizionamenduaren zehaztasuna | ≤±0.2 mm /m |
Errepikagarritasuna | ≤±0.3 mm /m |
Zergatik gu aukeratu?
1. CNC mozteko makinaren produkzioan eta salmentetan espezializatu ginen, plaka ebakitzeko makina, tutu mozteko makina, h habe ebaketa makina ect.
2. We have a professional sales and service team , can provide the installation and training
3.Gure produktuak, kalitate bermea, CE ziurtagiria, mundu osoko 40 herrialde baino gehiagotara esportatzen dira, esate baterako, Hungariara, Poloniara, Espainiara, Indiara, Belgikara. Frantsesa. Indonesia. Korean. Australia. Errumania. Errusian. Irak eta abar.
4.For machine frame all made by ourselves , quality and delivery time have enough guarantee .
ohiko galderak
1. Fabrika edo kanpoko merkataritza enpresa zara?
Fabrika gara, etxeko eta kanpoko merkatua
2. Zer egin behar dugu zure makina zurekin erosi ondoren ezagutzen ez baduzu?
Instalazio eta funtzionamendu jarraibide xeheak ditugu. Bideoa ere eskaintzen da. Oso erraza da. Telefono eta posta elektronikoko laguntza dugu egunean 24 ordutan.
Gure ingeniaria behar baduzu joan zure lantegiko instalazio eta prestakuntzara, hori ez da arazorik
3. Zein da zure produktuen kalitatea?
Gure makinek osatutako makinaren markoarentzat, kalitatea eta entrega-denborak nahikoa berme dituzte. Gainera, gure produktuek CE ziurtagiria gainditu zuten, mundu osoko herrialdeetara esportatuak, esate baterako, Errusia, Irak, Belgika, Kazakhstan, Korea eta abar.
4. Zer egin makinak arazoren bat badu?
24 orduko posta eta telefono deien erantzun puntuala. Hautsitako piezak 12 hilabeteko epean faktore ez-artifizialekoak badira, doako ordezkapena eskaintzen dugu. 12 hilabete baino gehiago igaro ezkero, bezeroek jasan beharko dituzte salgaiak atzera eta aurrera eta osagarrien kostua.
5. Zer beste gauza ere behar dituzu zure makinak erosi ondoren?
(1) sugarra moztearekin: oxigenoa eta erregai gasa sartu behar dituzu. (2) plasma ebaketaren bidez: plasma-energia iturria eta aire konpresorea behar dira. Plasmako energia hornidura zeure buruarekin lotu dezakezu, edo gurekin mozketarekin batera erosi, aukerakoa da. Guregandik erosten baduzu, plasmako energia iturriaren hariak eta CNC mozteko makina elkarrekin lotuko ditugu, gero egokiago erabiltzeko.
6. Zein da ordainketaren ondorengo ordua?
Lehenengo ordua zure produktuen eta kantitatearen araberakoa da. Mozteko makina 15 egun behar dira; hodi mozteko makina 30 egun behar dira; h habe mozteko makina 60 egun behar dira. Gure salmentako langileekin komunikazioan baieztatu beharko litzateke.
7. Zein dira zure ordainketa baldintzak?
T / T, L / C, Western Union eta abar onartzen ditugu. Bi aldeak ere jaso ditzakegu bi aldeen eztabaida eta akordioa